Thz thingsveer Anne Sophie Raemy 2


Cosima Grand

things veer

Four performers tread invisible paths. They swing and tune into each other and move in a cosmos of vibrating relationships. A kind of emotional formalism serves as the basis for their movements.

With things veer, Cosima Grand continues to pursue her interest in the intertwining of humans and non-humans and investigates how we relate to each other. The theme of resonance has an important place in this. Her last work Restless Beings was earthbound and inspired by microbes and bacteria. things veer now straightens out: The piece zooms out and emblematically goes dark - into galactic spheres, from external movement to movement within, from scream to silent pulse.

Choreographers at Work! #9 - Cosima Grand

  • Bühne 1
    Tanzhaus Zürich
    Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
    8037 Zürich
  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Nonverbal, without spoken text

  • Solidarity: CHF 35
  • Regular: CHF 25
  • Budget: CHF 15

Concept, choreography Cosima Grand
Co-choreografie, performance Hanna Hedman, Nina Richard, Emma Saba, Roger Sala Reyner
Dramaturgy and dramaturgical advisor Tanzhaus Zürich Jessica Huber
Composition Demi Jakob
Scenography Ceylan Öztrük
Light design Nina Langosch
Costumes Anne-Sophie Raemy
Vocal coach An Chen
Outside eye Mona De Weerdt
Production Antje Czudaj
Administration Karin Erdmann
Image Michelle Ettlin

Coproduction Tanzhaus Zürich, ROXY Birsfelden, Théâtre du Crochetan Monthey

Supported by City of Zurich Culture, Canton of Valais Wallis, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Anne-Marie Schindler Foundation, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS, Migros Cultural Percentage

Cosima Grand

Cosima was born 1987 in Leuk (VS), Switzerland, and lives in Zurich. She graduated from Centre nationale de danse contemporaine (CNDC) in Angers, France, under the direction of Emanuelle Huynh. Grand completed the Bachelor in multilingual communication at the University of Geneva and studied theater studies and sociolinguistics at the University of Berne. Grand collaborates and performs with Aina Alegre, Simone Truong, Chris Leuenberger, Lucie Eidenbenz, among others
Her own work covers T-R-A-N-S (Cosima Grand and Pia Campos, 2011), Me, myself and I (Cosima Grand and Sabrina Zimmermann, 2013), BeMyselfAndDie (Cosima Grand and Davide Prudente, 2013, rewarded with the prize Fondation Bea pour jeunes artistes), CTRL-V (EP) (second prize PREMIO 2015), CTRL-V (LP) (2016) and Hitchhiking through Winterland (2018).
Her work was shown at Kondenz Festival Belgrad, Festival June Events Paris, ROXY Birsfelden, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, Festival frisch eingetroffen Mannheim, Théâtre Sévelin 36 Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Dampfzentrale Bern, Südpol Luzern, Das Tanzfest in Berne and Basel, Festival Tanz in Bern, Festival Antigel Genf, Tojo Theater Bern, Kellertheater Brig, Oh! Festival Wallis, Festival Forum Wallis and Scènes Valaisannes, among others
Cosima is co-founder of Residenz Tanz Leuk.
In 2015 she was awarded the Canton of Valais' cultural prize.