
Contemporary dance is rooted in the here and now. Dance disturbs, is emotional and can be controversial. And therein lies its strength. The Tanzhaus Zürich mediation program aims to engage with all kinds of audiences.

Various formats offer opportunities for encounter, discourse and participation: The public work-in-progress Sharings of our residency guests allow artists and audiences to meet, the Open Practice Trainings are as the name says – open to anyone interested in moving, and by joining the Promotional Society you can become part of a lively cultural institution.

Apart from this, Tanzhaus Zürich provides regular performances for municipal and cantonal school classes of all ages as well as interactive workshops.

Do you have an idea for a mediation project? Would you like to visit a performance with a particular group and talk to the artists? Contact us and we will find or invent the right format with and for you – be it an embodied introduction, a post-show talk, workshop or guided tour of our premises.

  • Christina Gabriela Galli
    Mediation and Community Building
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