Morning Practice The Field23

Morning Practice

Start your day with a short, crisp dance outing. The Field kickstarts the day with you and other motivated movers: we gather for a morning dance ritual that will connect you to yourself and your surroundings. Everybody is warmly welcome!

May 31 with Pierre (English/French)
June 7 with Jamuna (German/English)
June 14 with Lucia (German/English)
June 21 with Marisa (English/German)
June 28 with Lucia (German/English)

  • Studio 1
    Tanzhaus Zürich
    Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
    8037 Zürich
  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • This event is free of charge

Photo Michelle Ettlin

The Field

The Field is a collective of dance artists who have been working together since 2019. The collective has collaborated with local and international artists to create a range of works from large scale performances to intimate artistic exchanges. So far, The Field has developed works with Meg Stuart (Waterworks), Isabel Lewis (Scalable Skeletal Escalator), Simone Aughterlony (The Best and the Worst of Us) and is currently developing a piece with Ofelia Jarl Ortega.

The collective came into being from the necessity to create flexible, versatile, sensitive and enduring forms of togetherness, to find ways of articulating our cultural, social and political concerns through dance experiences. Their commitment to non-hierarchical forms of working shapes all of The Field’s artistic outputs.