Thz event DQST 1

Drag Queen Story Time

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the event on Sunday, November 1 for health reasons. We will contact guests with already purchased tickets personally.

"When you become the image of your own imagination, it’s the most powerful thing you could ever do." RuPaul

In Drag Queen Story Time, children are encouraged to imagine a world where all people can present themselves the way they like. A world where dressing up is part of reality, and the possibilities are endless. Here, participating children experience glamorous, positive and outrageously queer role models – regardless of their age, personal identity or origin. At the same time, relevant social topics such as diversity, self-identity and gender are addressed in a carefree manner.

  • Studio 2
    Tanzhaus Zürich
    Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
    8037 Zürich
  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Age 3–10 years

  • Swiss German / English
  • Due to the corona protection concept, we can allocate fewer places than usual. We would like as many children as possible to participate. We ask you not to occupy more than one adult seat per booking.

Konzept Brandy Butler, Tropikahl aka Ivy Monteiro
Mit Brandy Butler, Tropikahl, Ennia Face, King Jo, Evalyn Eatdith
Photos ©Patrick Mettraux
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