

Autsch is a musical dance theater piece for children ages six and up that is all about dealing with scars, healing and feeling pain. Do you remember your first bloody knee? Your first broken tooth? Have you ever been to the hospital? And do you know what heartbreak feels like? Pain and injuries form an important part of our lives. Overcoming them strengthens our self-confidence. In Autsch, three performers take the audience on a journey through different spaces in and around Tanzhaus Zürich. They poke at old wounds and give each other comfort, focussing on the beauty of imperfection and on appreciating uniqueness.

  • Studio 2
    Tanzhaus Zürich
    Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
    8037 Zürich
  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • The first part of the piece is a 20-minute tour of various spaces in and around Tanzhaus. For spectators with limited mobility there is an alternative. Please call us before your visit at +41 44 350 26 10. In the basement it is rather dark at times, but we guarantee the visibility of the route.

  • 6+

  • Swiss German

Ein Stück von Team Tartar
Mit Anna Heinimann, Andi Peter, Nora Vonder Mühll
Künstlerische Leitung Frederike Dengler, Eva Maria Küpfer, Isabel Vogel
Choreografie Eva Maria Küpfer
Ausstattung Isabel Vogel
Licht David Baumgartner
Video Johanna Bajohr
Fotos Sepp de Vries
Dramaturgische Begleitung Tanzhaus Zürich Lea Moro
Produktionsleitung Livia Frehner

Koproduktion Tanzhaus Zürich

Unterstützt durch Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Migros-Kulturprozent, SIS Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung, Beisheim Stiftung

Mit Dank an das Luzerner Theater